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Problem-Solving Skills
Problem-solving skills are essential to nurture critical thinking, enhance decision-making capabilities, and prepare participants to tackle real-world challenges. Primarily, our training in problem-solving skills is conducted to fulfil the following aims:
  • To equip participants with the ability to critically assess situations, identify problems, and devise practical solutions.
  • To engage in problem-solving exercises by way of training to analyse information, differentiate between relevant and irrelevant data, and evaluate the effectiveness of various solutions.
  • To foster creativity and innovation by encouraging participants to think outside the box, consider multiple perspectives, and develop unique solutions.
  • To nurture natural creativity and allow participants to approach challenges with an open and innovative mindset.
  • To build resilience and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and setbacks.
  • To cultivate the capability to identify issues and devise practical solutions efficiently and creatively.