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Leadership Training

The Ministry of Education has made commendable efforts to initiate reforms in our education system. It is now time to give renewed life to these efforts by reorienting our school structures for the need and challenges of a different social context. We must revisit our curriculum, pedagogy, learning process, and assessments to either transform or rewrite them in view of the challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century.

Royal Kasho

17th December, 2020

The educational transformation dream does not refer to wishful fantasy and euphoric imagination. It is a purposeful, driven national dream carefully orchestrated under the farsighted leadership of Our Beloved Monarchs.

The Royal Kasho calls for a quantum transformation in delivering educational services to forge into the current era by developing the learner’s critical thinking skills, creative thinking, and learning to be life-long learners. The Kasho envisions preparing Bhutanese minds to be inquisitive, problem-solvers, interactive and with technological skills.

There must be a paradigm shift in delivering educational services in vision, administration, leadership, pedagogical and instructional dimensions.
In this context, professional development training for educators on the pertinent themes of educational leadership is essential and timely. Hence, it is befitting for the Thimphu Thromde Education Sector to initiate training in this critical area.

EduPlus is honoured to design and administer the Leadership Training with the noble mission of empowering our educators.